Thursday, March 29, 2007

Round Two!

You need to plaster your name on everything and everywhere.
If you are reaching the unchurched, they have plenty of friends to invite.
If you are reaching the churched, they only have friends that go to church.
We are not interested in people that go to church. Our concentration is reaching out to the unchurched.
You have to get your people excited about what is going on.
Promotion is so important! Equip your people to invite.
Funny will get people's attention!
Email invites to your friends! This can be big if it looks good!
Make sure you have a brand!

Things done different;
* Assimilation, Making people feel at home.
* Small Groups, people connecting is important
* Ask for Commitment, Financially and Serving

Things done Different?
Staff different
Take more time off.
Every church planter needs a counselor outside of the church.
Visit great church's to see what is going on there.
Knowing your community and knowing what your area unchurched looks like.
Make sure the area fits you!

Connect people right away.
Information table is a MUST.
have your people talk to new people.
Send email to everyone. on Monday
Fill out that card and tell them that we will take it up later.
Message based Journey group material from the message helps people stay in tune to the direction of the church.
Don't over think or over do Assimulation.

People get bored with the same' ol stuff constant change is good.
Voluneteers will make your church ROCK!


At 2:58 PM, Blogger Ashley said...

Good stuff! Im excited!


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