Friday, March 30, 2007

Is This Your Idea Of Church?

The post card that we sent out was not a hit on the traditional church! We created a mailer to be funny, not to offend people! The response that we are getting from so-called "Christians" is just plain out hateful. If you stumble across this blog and you're one of those that don't like our post card, lighten up! It was meant to be funny, not to be an attack. It is not a hit on the traditional church. Suits and ties, from what I am told, are not required to attend the traditional church. Our goal for sending out the post cards is to reach people who don't have dress clothes. When we did a survey of this community's demographics we discovered that the community was 90% unchurched, and as we talked to families at the ball fields, and at many other events we discovered that one of the top five reasons people didn't go to church right here in this community was because they didn't have dress clothes. If the mailer offended you, coming to our church would do the same because even I wear blue jeans and my shirt untucked and I am the pastor. I wear the same thing that 99% of the world wears, not to be like the world, but because that's how I dress everyday. I don't have a Sunday wardrobe. GOD is my GOD everyday. I dress up for Him everyday by getting on my knees and making him the King of my life. Why not think about the positives: 86% of our people were previously unchurched before we launched. We have had around twenty people that have given their lives to Christ and we will baptise about 10 this Sunday. When was the last time you led anyone to the Lord? So please remove the plank out of your eye before looking at my speck. We as followers of Christ need to get off our Holy High Horse, pick up the plow and start planting.
So the question becomes: What are you doing to make an eternal difference? Read your Bible! What did Jesus wear? Did he dress like the people at the Temple? What did Jesus do? If we are to follow Him then quit trying to take the high road because Jesus knelt down and washed feet! If you are a Christian already and you are attending a church where everybody dresses up,then great! We are not trying to reach you! Throw the post card away or give it to someone that has felt too uncomfortable to come to your church.


At 5:32 AM, Blogger Jim Sonny Pinkard said...

Hey Danny, read your blog. I praise the Lord for how he is using yall at Crossview. Rockmart is where I grew up, so I am very interested in what goes on there because of friends and family. I wanted to encourage you, I planted and still planting a church in Adairsville, Georgia (NorthPointe Church) . It is also a contemporary church like Crossview. You seem very upset in your latest blog. Don't get caught in a fight and who is doing a better job for Christ skirmish with the religious right. It is like wallowing with hogs. Both will get muddy but only one of you will enjoy it.
You will receive criticism, it has been almost 9 years and we still receive it. It is just part of it. Treat criticism and praise like bubble gum, chew on both for a little while and then spit them out, both can be harmful. Criticism can discourage you and praise can cause you to be prideful. neither are good to advance His kingdom. Sonny

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Zach Thomas said...

Danny, I've never met you, but I just read the past two months of your blog. I am from Cedartown and you recently met my mother-in-law. Sorry I couldn't stop by a couple of weeks ago. As she told you, we are moving back that way soon, probaby to Rockmart. I agree with Sonny's comment . . . don't get angry, that is Father's job to deal with them. You just do what you are called to do. Say focused, I believe you are doing the right thing. By the way, if you have some extra post cards, I would love to see one. Let's have lunch sometime.


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