On Board
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. (Proverbs 13:20).
Talk to the president or C.E.O. of any company and they will tell you how vital it is to have a dependable and trusted board of directors. They understand that they don't have all the answers - it's not a one man show. Great decision makers, great leaders, know that they don't know everything and they go to the people who do know. They surround themselves with wise counsel.
The same is true in our personal lives. We need to have a personal board of directors - people we can trust to help us make the right decisions. Too many of us, though, have the uncanny ability to ask the wrong people the wrong questions; and as a result we do the wrong thing.
Instead of falling into that trap, surround yourself with people who will help you navigate the maze of life. Find those around you who you can trust, people who will look out for your best interest even if it doesn't personally benefit them. Find those people who will energize you and motivate you to make the right decisions. Trust that they have an insight into the situation that you may not see.
This week, begin to use your personal board of directors to help you make your decisions. Understand that there are people who will guide you towards the right answers to the multiple choice test of life. Don't try to take everything on by yourself. Instead, use the people that God has placed around you and trust in their wise counsel
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