Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away (subtracts) the sin of the world! John 1:29

To most people, math is no fun. We tend to think of it as the subject in school that was just there to bring our GPA down. But math is important-especially in God's equation for our lives. He uses math in our lives to work out his supernatural equation.

When it comes to applying God's math to our lives, most of us don't mind adding. We love to add new things because it can make life exciting and new. Too often, though, we forget that addition is not the only part of God's equation. He also tells us that we need to occasionally take things away from our lives. But we tend to balk at applying subtraction to life.

What we need to understand is that subtraction is just as important in God's math as addition is. God does not always ask us, "What are you doing?" Many times he asks us, "What are you not doing that you were doing before?" He wants us to subtract those things from our lives that are hurtful or unproductive. God tells us that subtraction is vital for our growth.

What is God telling you to subtract from your life? Is it a harmful habit or a draining relationship? Whatever it is, God wants you to subtract it from your life so that you can grow. This week, listen to God's instruction and apply his mathematical equation. Don't just focus addition-remember that subtraction is just as important.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

In Line, or In the Pool

The pool sounds really fun but life is so much better when we are in liine with God
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

There is a line that separates everything we do. It separates the moral from the immoral; the ethical from the unethical; the wise from the unwise. And too many of us walk the edge and the ledge of that line trying to see how close we can get before we have to face the consequences.

God tells us, though, in order to reach our potential, in order to gain the full and rich life that he has in store for us, we can't walk that line. Instead, we need to be in line with him. And to be in line with God we must make wise, insightful decisions. When we fail to do that, we spend an insane amount of time swimming laps in the pool of regret. We look back at our dumb, what was I thinking decisions, shake our heads and say, "If only... if only... if only."

The best way to avoid diving into the pool of regret; the best way to make the right decisions is to ask ourselves the right questions. As you go through the decision making process, look at each option with "in tense" eyes. When you are in tense about your decision making process, you will gain the insight that allows you to see what is obscure to the rest of the world.

This week, ask yourself if your decisions are going to reflect what you have learned from your past; if your decisions are wise considering your present conditions; and if your decisions are the best options to get you where God wants to take you. Get in line with God and you will be able to see the right answers to life's multiple choice test.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lift Up One Another!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up... (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

As we begin to understand who we are in God's eyes, to truly see ourselves the way God sees us, he gives us the awesome responsibility of giving that same SIGHT to others. The Bible tells us that we should build up the self-esteem of others, so that they too can see themselves in the light of God's love for them. And putting on the right "shades" is the key to really seeing both ourselves and others from God's perspective. With spiritually-filtered lenses on our minds and hearts, God gives us special S-I-G-H-T to be able to build others up in Christ.
S-upport the Uniqueness of Others: Instead of trying to remake others into your mold, encourage their unique personalities, skills, and talents. (1 Corinthians 13:5, NLT)
I-nspire Others with Responsibility: When you trust others with responsibility, it will put wind in their sails and give them confidence to accomplish even greater things. (John 20:21)
G-ive Correction and Criticism Carefully: "Carefully" is the keyword. The purpose of correcting someone is for their growth, so criticism should be given in love, to help and not hurt them. (Ephesians 4:29)
H-ear the Messages of Others: Listening, really listening, to someone can be one of the biggest boosters to their self-esteem. Your eye-contact and interest in what they have to say communicates love and respect. (James 1:19)
T-ouch their Hearts: When you give integrity-laden, meaningful touch to the significant others in your life, you are communicating just how significant they really are.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

On Board

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. (Proverbs 13:20).

Talk to the president or C.E.O. of any company and they will tell you how vital it is to have a dependable and trusted board of directors. They understand that they don't have all the answers - it's not a one man show. Great decision makers, great leaders, know that they don't know everything and they go to the people who do know. They surround themselves with wise counsel.

The same is true in our personal lives. We need to have a personal board of directors - people we can trust to help us make the right decisions. Too many of us, though, have the uncanny ability to ask the wrong people the wrong questions; and as a result we do the wrong thing.

Instead of falling into that trap, surround yourself with people who will help you navigate the maze of life. Find those around you who you can trust, people who will look out for your best interest even if it doesn't personally benefit them. Find those people who will energize you and motivate you to make the right decisions. Trust that they have an insight into the situation that you may not see.

This week, begin to use your personal board of directors to help you make your decisions. Understand that there are people who will guide you towards the right answers to the multiple choice test of life. Don't try to take everything on by yourself. Instead, use the people that God has placed around you and trust in their wise counsel

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I am so excited about Sunday it will be our mid year vision message and I am pumped about where God is leading us!
Are you ready for this vision to be Unleashed and peoples live to be forever changed with the word of God. I am!
Get on board the ship, but don't just be their for the ride. Grab a paddle and start rowing at the end of the race once you put everything you can into it. It will be worth the effort. In our case for eternity!